Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Fats that don't make you fat

One of the biggest misconceptions is that ALL fats are BAD for you. Not true. Que no es verdad (I'm currently learning Spanish and must take every opportunity to practice, show off, etc.) To put it plainly, there are some fats that are not only good for you but actually promote weight loss amongst other benefits. Say whaaaaaaaaaaat? Yep. True story.

The best part about sharing this little fun fact is I happen to adore all of these fats I'm about to list and I incorporate them into my daily routine.

1) Avocados- Vitamin E, powerful antioxidant, age-slowing detoxifiers. Put these in, on, under anything. Sandwiches, eggs, smoothies, a la carte, on toast, as guac-type dip, as a facial. Unlimited opportunities of greatness.
2) Coconut Oil - Antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-cancer properties. It improves digestion and helps with weight loss. It has endless benefits that go on for days. Use in place of olive oil (make sure to rotate because olive oil has many benefits as well and is next in the hot seat) in smoothies, tea or oatmeal. This oil can and will change your life. Give it time. 
3) Olive oil- Rich in antioxidants, aids in cancer prevention, reduces blood pressure and craazy rich in vitamin E. Use in cooking and baking.
4) Nuts- cholesterol-lowering, heart immune boosting, fiber with a capital F that creates super healthy skin.
5) Seeds- Protein. Protein. Protein. Along with omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and once again powerful antioxidant carriers. To name a few.
So please don't be fooled when you hear all fats are terrible for you. When someone refers to the fat in a donut as being the same as any of these fats I just listed- kick em in the shins. Hard. You know better now. Knowledge is power. Make these fats a part of your life. However, as usual, everything in moderation :)





*Click here to read more on the benefits of these fats*

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